The first day of racing kicked off on Saturday 26 January at the 2013 Downunder Pro as the BIC Technos began the first day of their Oceanic Championships. Winds were 20-25 knots all afternoon and 5 races were completed. [more]

The fleet were treated to a fantastic P course set by the race crew, demanding sailors to display all aspects of sailing, with a long work, nice reaches and a downwind leg. The course was thoroughly enjoyed by all competitors. A big thanks to the efficient race crew.

With Formula, RSX and Raceboard also racing on the same course, the day was a fantastic exposition of windsurfing (near to 70 sailors). Racing was followed by an Australia day BBQ, bringing all the windsurfers together.

Thanks must go to the volunteers of the race crew who enabled the maximum races to be completed by all classes, made more important due to the forecast of strong and ballistic winds on Monday, and possibly Sunday.

On Day two of the Oceanics, sailors woke up to a strong and steady downpour a rain that seldom let up throughout the whole day. Nonetheless a windward return course was set once the shifting and light winds had settled and there was enough visibility that the marks could be seen.  However, whilst other classes were able to race in very challenging conditions, Technos were kept ashore.

With a forecast for more rain and 40+ knot winds on day 3 (the final day), it was unsure whether there would be any more races in the championship.  As it happened, The final day of the Qantas 2013 Raceboard and Techno 293 Championship was abandoned due the extreme weather created by the ex-tropical cyclone Oswald. The effects of this weather system were felt in Queensland and Northern NSW causing extensive flooding and coastal damage.

Hawks Nest was largely spared any destructive action however constant rain, large swells and high winds meant that racing in the Oceanic championship was not possible with any measure of safety. In the normally calm Nelson Bay where racing is conducted large swells were seen breaking at various locations.

The final placings in the Techno 293 class are as follows;
Oceanic U17 Boys Champion: Jacob Whitford
Oceanic U17 Girls Champion: Emma Baillie
Oceanic Open Girls Champion: Lara O’Brien, on countback from Samantha Sterling

The top Techno sailor at the event was Brazilian U17 Boy Brenno Francioli, recording 4 wins from 5 starts.