ACES Europe (European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation) has named Kosice as the Slovakian European City of Sport for 2016. The city’s passion for sport and civic pride, combined with focus on health and wellbeing, involves the local community and welcomes the world beyond! [more]

A competition has been launched for young athletes to showcase Olympic sports, with a chance to win a trip to Rio to watch the Olympic Games. 

We have a techno girl, Karolina, taking part in the competition and we are calling on the techno community to give her some LIKES.  Patrik Pollak, known to many at Techno 293 events as the man behind the lens, has produced a video – a fun story showing what hard core winter training looks like. 

This is a unique chance for the Techno community to send one of its members to the “real Olympics” and we would love to follow her story with more videos to come.

Show your support and  LIKE Karolina’s Facebook Page.