Italy’s Veronica Fanciulli has swept to the top of the Bic Techno Under 17’s girls’ rankings with an impressive display on the first two days of the IWA Junior, Youth and Masters Windsurfing World Championships at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA).[more]

The 15-year-old, who is in her first year as an Under 17 and won a silver medal at the 2009 European Championships in France in April, has scored two first places in her opening four races of the event to sit a point ahead of Hadas Zaga from Israel.

Fanciulli now hopes to maintain her form throughout the rest of the regatta with one eye looking ahead to next year’s Youth Olympic Games in Singapore.

She said: “I have enjoyed the event so far, the wind has been good for me for the first two days and I have most liked the flat water and the strategy of the wind at the venue.

“As this is my first Worlds as an Under 17 I did not come here expecting a big result as I am more looking at building up to trying to gain qualification for the Youth Olympics next year but I have concentrated well on the Championship and been happy with my sailing so far.”

With forecasts of very strong wind in Portland Harbour today (Wednesday 26 August), the sailors may get no racing on what is day three of the event.

The event finishes on Saturday 29 August with Friday 28 August currently scheduled as a rest day.

An updated report of what happened at WPNSA today will follow later.