Qualification for the Youth Olympic Games(YOG) is primarily being held on a continental basis, using the Techno 293 Continental Championships.  [more] The qualification system, including the quota for each continent, is available on the ISAF website

Charter equipment, boards with 7.8 sail/rig, provided through Bic Sport, will be available at all events.  The primary aim is to allow any country the opportunity to participate in their continental championship, and to try and qualify for the YOG. Charter is limited and must be planned well in advance of the event.  For more information contact:t293@internationalwindsurfing.com

The Notice of Race for each qualifier will be published on the Techno Class website; and entry can be made on line via IWA (except Oceanics) where you will find the link on the home page.  To date the European, Oceanic and South/Central American NoR’s are published.

A pre-NoR for Asian Championships has now been added, with the final NoR to follow very soon, as will the details of the North American and the African Championships, both scheduled for March 2010.  Note – the North American qualifier includes the Caribbean nations and Mexico.

To conclude this newsitem, a message from Phil Jones, CEO Yachting Australia:

“Yachting Australia is delighted that the 2010 Australian Youth Championship (AYC) being held at Largs Bay, South Australia, from 6-10 January 2010, will be the Qualification Event for the YOG in Oceania and will also incorporate the Techno 293 Oceania Championship.

Details of the event, including venue and accommodation information, on-line entry details, board charter arrangements and other details are available at http://www.youthchamps.org.au/

Should you have any queries, please e-mail Stewart Wood at Yachting Australia.  He will be pleased to assist.

We very much look forward to seeing your athletes and supporters at the Oceania Qualification Event for the Youth Olympic Games. You can be assured of a very warm and friendly welcome.”