Lega Navale Italiana Civitavecchia (LNC) are hosting the World Qualifier for the Youth Olympic Games. The event will be held over Easter – from 5th to 10th April.[more]

The event is open to competitors from any country, whether or not thay have already qualified; however it is only for boys and girls under 17 years of age (born in or after 1994, but not later than 1997). 

You will find the NoR, with link to on-line entry, here-

Civitavecchia is Rome’s main harbour town, about 80 km North from the Italian capital, in the Latium, and is an established windsurfing area especially for young people.  The host club has an outstanding record for supporting the development of young racers, and looks forward to welcoming visitors to Rome.  The club would like to remind everyone that it is holiday period, and it is essential to plan early!  You can help the club, to help you, by returning your forms (5, 6 & 7) as soon as possible.

If you intend to arrive early for training it is important to discuss arrangements with the club – do not just turn up unannounced!

Charter equipment is available, and your application should be made via e-mail