Racing has started today for the 46 competitors from 13 countries, including three non-European countries, at the Techno 293 Plus European Championships hosted by Sopot Sailing Club, Poland.  [more]

Today we had four races.  First two, then after the wind dropped the race committee decided to wait for better conditions ashore.  After a two-hour break, when competitors had time to eat something warm, the wind picked up again and two more races were held. 

After the first day in the men overall open classification it is the local Marcin Urbanowicz in the lead.  Marcin won two races today and has a six-point lead on the Hong Kong sailor Leung Po Hei and Jakob Ruud from Norway.  Jakob is first in the U19 European classification ahead of Richard Geiger from Hungary and his teammate Fredrik L Nilsen. 

Karolina Lipinska, also from Sopot Sailing Club, was leading in the overall classification until the fourth race when Mak Cheuk Wing from Hong Kong took the lead.  Third is Manon Benassem from Spain.  Manom is also leading the U19 European fleet ahead of Weronika Marciniak from Poland and Helle Oppedal from Norway.

“I usually sail RS:X and today was my first race in the Techno293 Plus class, every race is a new experience,” Karolina said.  “I find the starts really comfortable, only 11 sailors and a long start line make it easy to have a good start for everybody.  The wind was a bit gusty, because of the offshore direction but I managed to win two races and I’m second overall.”

The championship will last until Friday and may consist of course racing, slalom and a marathon.  

Follow the action via the Event Website with live tracking, and live updates on Twitter .