Three great days, 65 athletes from three Baltic countries and more wind than expected on lake Kisezers.[more]

On Friday and Saturday competitors and organizers were surprised with 10-15knots of wind despite the forecast which promised almost nothing.
7 races in two days for Techno293, Raceboard and RS:X.

On Sunday light wind started to blow at the time the prize giving ceremony was announced. Too little too late.

So 7 races overall and winners are:

Techno 293 – U17

1st place Aleksandra Kaupa

2nd place Namejs Dreimanis

3rd place Nikola Cepleniece

Techno 293 – U15

1st place Matiss Punte

2nd place Elizabete Mengele

3rd place Annija Punte

Techno 293 – U13

1st place Matiss Punte

2nd place Jekabs Ceze

3rd place Rolands Lovnieks

Techno 293 – 3.5

1st place Valters Videnieks

2nd place Davis Mazais

3rd place Klavs Kaupa

Full Results T293

Full Results U13 and 3.5

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