When the sky is blue the wind starts blowing over Lake Potrerillos.  The sailors have had 5 races over two light wind days and now 15-22 knots is expected for the remainder of the Championships – a perfect combination to suit everyone and everyone has a chance to win.[more]

Francisco Saubidet Birkner, ARG-40, proved he is an expert in whatever conditions are thrown at him as he took all three bullets again today.  Lars van Sommeren NED-800 produced consistently better results than day 2 and has moved into second place on the podium, pushing American Geronimo Nores down to third.

Yesterday Argentinian Facundo Rodriguez Beistegui almost had his foot on the podium but the stronger winds have blown him right down the leaderboard to 9th.  First girl Peruvian Maria Belen Basso is in fourth place overall, leading the rest of the pack, 12 points away from the podium. 

Mack van Eerenbeemt from Aruba is happy that the wind has started to blow.  He came to Argentina with the aim of training in light winds and improve but two days is enough for him!  “Today the wind picked up a little and I sailed better so my results are way better than yesterday, so maybe I’ll go up the leaderboard and hopefully stay there.  Now I want to ‘kick some ass’.”  He went from 10th to 6th overall.

According to Raul Pasqualin the Argentinians were inspired by their first venture into Techno 293 at the Worlds in Martigues.  They saw how much fun the kids were having there, worked hard to build a great fleet on returning home and their success is very evident!

Results After 8 RacesVideo Day Three / More Photos Added Here