The 2013 AGM of the Techno 293 Class will take place in the evening of Thursday 1st August at the World Championships being held in Sopot, Poland.[more]

The exact time and venue for the meeting will be published on the event official notice board.

The Agenda for the meeting may include:

Previous Minutes or pdf version

– Chairman’s report

– Financial Report

– Class Rule and Championship Rule changes

– Class Committee recommendations

– Future Championships

– Any Other Business

The deadline for submissions/proposals is July 4th:

– submissions to change rules;

– proposals for future championship venues.

Submit by email to –

If you propose a rule change, give the reasons for the change.

If you are bidding to host a future championship, give details and be prepared to make a presentation to the AGM.

The full Agenda, including items to be voted, will be published by July 18th.

Only national associations that are current (2013) members may send a delegate and vote –

If you are still unpaid – please pay now!

Details of delegate registration, proxies, and email voting will be published with the full Agenda.