Young windsurfers from across the Midlands took to Carsington Water in Derbyshire (UK) on 19 May to do battle in the opening round of the Midland’s Team15 Inter-Club Championship. [more]

Reigning champions Northampton’s Pitsford Pirates battled their way to the top of the leader board, dominating in all their heats to clinch a round one win despite the cold and blustery conditions.

The Pitsford Pirates joined by the Carsington Comets and Croft Farm Flyers, zoomed across the water in four different classes (3.5m, 4.5m, 5.8m and Techno 6.8) with the aim of getting the best head start possible in the competition.

In the 3.5m fleet, Pirate Victoria Patrick followed in her older brother Joe’s winning footsteps when she won all of her races and finished first place just ahead of Carsington Comet Harry Millward.

Her brother Joe Patrick who excelled in last year’s championship claimed 3rd place in 6.8m class.

There was more sibling rivalry as Pirates Zoe and Lewis Bowen raced for victory in the 4.5m class with Lewis taking first place in each of the races. Brothers Callum and Lewis Smith also battled it out in the 6.8m class finishing in 4th and 5th place retrospectively.

In the 5.8 fleet Pitsford’s David Lett put in a stunning performance winning five out of six races. He was closely followed by fellow teammate Dominic Meylon-Stevenson who settled for a credible second place.

It was also a good weekend for Pirate Alice Butts who clinched first place in the 6.8m class just ahead of teammate Robin McAllister who finished second.

The next event will be hosted by at Paddle and Sail at Croft Farm, home of the Croft Farm Flyers on 09 June.

Merit Awards were won by Dominic Meylan-Stevenson and Joe Patrick for coaching their team mates once they’d finished their own races. James Bulson from Croft Farm was also awarded for his determination after he continued to compete despite feeling ill.

Supported by industry leaders Tushingham/Starboard and Neil Pryde, T15 was set up by the RYA to help make windsurfing more accessible and appealing to youngsters at a grass roots level.

Fun and informal training sessions take place at T15 clubs all over the country for kids up to the age of 15, which are run weekly by specialist RYA coaches. The T15 inter-club championship takes place regionally over the summer adding a competitive edge and race training for those keen to hone their skills.

Kit can be borrowed from the clubs and the cost of sessions is kept low.

To get involved with Team15 and locate your nearest local club visit