Siricha I Phusiri (THA 21) is the Techno 293 Boys Asian Champion 2012! Consistently scoring firsts and seconds[more] – apart from a fourth which was discarded – he ended the championship a clear 13 points ahead of his nearest rival Wing Cheung Ng (HKG 21) who took silver.  First girl, Chung Yuet Yee (HKG 32), who took three bullets during the competition, managed to end on equal points and finished in bronze position -3rd overall but first youth girl and Asian Champion Youth Girl.

1 Sirichai Phusiri THA
2 Wing Chung Ng HKG
3 Kikabhoy Refeek HKG
1 Chung Yuet Yee HKG
2 Kwan Ching Ma HKG
3 Mow Ruth Wen En SIN

Tension mounted on the final day as start of racing was delayed waiting for wind. The intention was to have a ten minute break after the last finisher of race eight then go straight into race nine but there was a further postponement on the water before the final championship race could start.

Meanwhile, preparations were being made for the prize giving ceremony – stage, music, lights – which would be a spectacular finish to the 2012 Asian Championships.

Windsurfing Association of Thailand (WATH), are to be congratulated on their organisation of one of the biggest events yet and the race crew have run the best possible championship racing given the frustrating light conditions. Thai hospitality is second to none and we look forward to returning to Pattaya in the future.

FINAL RESULTS / Closing Ceremony Gallery