364 competitors from 26 countries, 4 continents, have registered for the Techno 293 World Championships in Martigues, smashing the 2009 record entry.  With the Raceboard Youth and Masters running concurrently bringing the total number of competitors at CVM Martigues up to 435, this is the biggest championship event in windsurfing for 20 years![more]

Techno competitors will race on two course areas and a third has been allocated to Raceboard.  However, the first scheduled day of racing had so much wind it was impossible to race – in excess of 30 knots with very strong and sudden gusts up to 55 knots. 

Competitors are keen to get started.  The forecast for Wednesday promises winds of around 16 km/h – fingers crossed!  Stay tuned to up-to-the minute reports on Twitter.

Competitor Lists – Boys 7.8 / Boys 6.8 / Girls 7.8 / Girls 6.8 / Open